247Sporty » Health » 11 Plank Variations for Rock-Solid Abs

11 Plank Variations for Rock-Solid Abs


Nine hours and eleven minutes: This is the longest springboard record in the world! But you don't need to be a superstar (thank goodness!) In order to obtain the full body strengthening effect provided by the board.



and move it with the rotating board. (picture: cherina Jones / Livestrong. Com)

11. What do you think you can do to combine the standard board with the side board? Then try this variation of switching between the two. Your rectus abdominis (six muscles) and oblique muscles will feel this. How to do it: start with the standard forearm bracket. Keep a straight line from head to toe and slowly turn over to your right forearm so you can make side panels. If you need to, you can put your left hand on your hips to keep it stable. Then put back the standard board. Wait and roll to the other side. Continue alternating sides.
