247Sporty » Health » Chest Workouts You Can Do With a Broken Hand

Chest Workouts You Can Do With a Broken Hand


A hand injury can seriously affect your chest exercise. Many of the most common chest exercises use your hand to a certain extent, which can be unwise if you get hurt in this area. Nevertheless, all hope has not been lost. There are several different exercise methods that can effectively target your chest muscles and allow you to exercise with a broken hand.


the improved push ups and treadmills are chest exercises with broken hands. (picture: people images / E + / gettyimages)

1. PEC deck

exercise machine can help you exercise with broken hands. PEC deck is a good way to aim at the chest muscles without causing excessive pressure on the injured hand.

: keep your forearm on the foam pad of the instrument while ensuring that the injured hand will not touch. Keep your arms together for 1 to 2 seconds. Then, slowly release the pressure and return the forearm to its original position.


2. Flight of resistance band

activates pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. How to do it: lie on your back on the weightlifting platform. Put a resistance strap under the bench and tie the end of the strap to each of your wrists. Stretch your arms side by side, hands on your chest. Be sure to keep your elbows straight when doing this. When the palms meet, slowly return the arms to one side of the body.

3. Supine drilling can exercise your anterior serratus muscle, which is located at the outer edge of the chest and connected to the ribs. How to do it: lie on your back and attach your wrist to each forearm. Raise your arms above your head and straighten your elbows. Then, bend your shoulder blades forward and hit your hands up on the ceiling. After holding your hands here for 1 to 2 seconds, relax your shoulder blades and lower your hands again without bending your elbows.

4. Resistance band internal rotation

use resistance band to strengthen pectoralis major muscle, which helps to internal rotation of shoulder and several other muscles. How to do it: fix one end of the resistance band on the door and the other end on the wrist of the injured arm. Keep your elbows at a 90 degree angle and rest against your side. Slowly rotate your forearm toward your stomach. When it reaches your abdomen, hold in this position for a few seconds, then release the tension in the bandage and rotate the forearm away from your body.

5. Push ups plus exercise can also treat the anterior serratus. This muscle has an effect on maintaining proper posture and the range of motion of the shoulders. Doing these exercises on your forearm allows you to exercise with a broken hand. How to do it: stand on your forearm and toes. Make sure your weight doesn't go through the injured hand. You can place a pillow or a rolling sports mat under the forearm of the injured hand and lift it off the ground. From this position, pull or wrap the shoulder blades forward. This will lift your upper back a few inches up to the ceiling. Maintain this height for one to two seconds, then relax the shoulder blades as the upper back returns to its original position. To strengthen the chest muscle group during the exercise, each exercise should be repeated 10 times in two to four groups. Ideally, it should be done two or three times a week. Whenever you get hurt, it's important to talk to your doctor before you start exercising. Failure to do so will further aggravate your injured hand. When muscle fatigue or soreness is normal during exercise, be sure to stop any exercise that increases pain.