247Sporty » Health » 13 Standing Yoga Poses to Improve Your Balance

13 Standing Yoga Poses to Improve Your Balance


What you do in the gym or on a yoga mat prepares you for the remaining 23 hours of the day. Yoga, in particular, promotes body balance and a balanced lifestyle beyond mats. So while continuous yoga practice can help you feel more focused and consistent as you float from one position to another, the benefits of standing yoga will be with you throughout the day.



[ if you can't complete the complete standing split immediately, please don't worry. This pose is a challenge, so attack carefully and pay attention to your posture. If you don't lift your legs up into the sky, don't push past your range of motion. You and you 39 will become flexible as you continue to practice.
  1. stand in the mountain position, hinge on your hips, fold forward.
  2. at the same time, lift one leg up and up or up to stretch your flexibility without opening your hips sideways.
  3. put your hand on the ground or on the Yoga Block in front of you. You. Keep breathing 5 times for each leg. Muscles used:
    1. hamstrings, quadriceps, abdominal muscles
