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The best yoga on your back



according to the American Chiropractic Association, more than 30 million Americans experience back pain at any time. Back pain is also one of the most common causes of absenteeism, and the second most common cause of doctor's office visits, according to ACA. Poor posture, weak back muscles and sedentary lifestyle are the main causes of back pain. The key to treating and preventing back pain is to increase your activity, build a healthy back that is flexible and strong, and regular yoga practice will help you do this. See which yoga poses can help your back. Credit: Yolanda Cano / demand media

What are the benefits of yoga for the back?

many people spend a long time sitting every day, which will cause serious injury to the back. Especially if you tend to be lazy, your posture will be affected - the muscles in the middle of the back become too loose, and the flexors in the chest and buttocks will also tighten. " "As long as you do yoga, you can improve your body's function, posture stability and flexibility," said David mesnick, a yoga therapist in Atlanta. According to a study published in the journal spine in September 2009, if you have chronic low back pain, practicing yoga may be a feasible treatment that can reduce the pain and increase the ability to move. The researchers found that participants who took biweekly yoga classes for low back pain within 24 weeks showed a "statistically significant" reduction in functional disability and pain intensity compared to the control group who received standard medical care.

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flexibility, strength, stability and mobility

using yoga to improve your back health is not only to become more flexible, but also to develop strength, stability and mobility - the ability of your joints to move through them. All around movement - said yogi Sadie chanlett Avery, from within Clive Barr. In general, what we need is greater hip mobility and greater lumbar stability. Bend and twist to build flexibility and flexibility in spine and standing posture to enhance strength and stability.

related: improve low back flexibility : Yolanda Cano / media required

from sun sales

multi Yoga course starts with several rounds of sun salute, which is a series of postures designed to help warm up the muscles for subsequent postures. Each pose in the sun salute has a specific effect on the spine. For example, you start to fold forward, which causes the spine to bend - the spine to bend forward - in an upward dog, you stretch the spine into a slight backward bend. A downward dog also causes the spine to become slightly flexed. At chaturnanga (basically a low push up), you contract your core, and its goal is to stabilize the muscles of the spine. Even if you just repeat the sun salute during practice, your back will get effective therapeutic exercise.

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offset the back of sitting all day It may be the main cause of posture imbalance and back pain, so it's important to include the back in your practice. Bending back not only puts your body in the opposite position from the past, but when done correctly, it also helps to lengthen the hip flexors, open the chest and strengthen the back muscles. Cobra and supporting bridge are good positions to open and stretch the front of the body, including abdominal and hip flexors, while bridge, bow and locust positions help to strengthen the whole back and hip.

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folding and stretching the body forward

folding forward helps to increase the length of the spine and separate the vertebrae to reduce compression. Fold forward, such as standing forward and sitting forward, to keep the spine strong and flexible, while helping to reduce back tension. However, don't overuse these poses. Sitting for a long time will cause many people to have tight hamstrings, which will make the forward bending pose challenging. Pushing hard forward can cause injury and overstretching of the lower back. When folding forward, pay attention to the bend at the hip crease, not around the spine; engage the quadriceps at the front of the thigh to encourage the muscles (hamstrings) at the back of the thigh to open.

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with forward and backward folding, scoliosis or scoliosis of the spine is also an important part of the Yoga sequence of the back. Lateral bending helps to stretch and strengthen the oblique muscles along both sides of the body, further increasing the overall flexibility and stability of the back. According to Julie goodmestad, a yoga teacher and physiotherapist, the quadratus is located deep in the back of the waist and is one of the most important muscles to stretch in the side bend. Goodmestad said muscles often become tense and constricted during long sitting positions. Just like forward and backward bends, it's important not to collapse into this position; focus on lengthening the spine through each side of the body.

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get flexibility through spine twisting

there are various types of twisting postures - sitting, standing or even handstand - which are integral to a full yoga practice. In addition to improving digestion and visceral health, yoga teacher and physiotherapist Julie goodmestad said, they also help promote all-round movement of the spine. Many people have lost their sedentary lifestyle. Twisting postures, including sitting postures, rotating triangle postures and half moon postures, increase the range of motion of shoulders, hips and spine, and lengthen the soft tissue around joints shortened due to lack of motion. For optimal back health, goodmestad recommends practicing a spine twist once or twice a day.

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create stability with standing posture

although standing posture may not be the first yoga teacher and overall fitness coach Sadie chanlett avery said, when you want toWhen it comes to the best yoga postures, there are things that come to mind that are important for building a solid foundation of strength and spine. These include triangle, eagle, and extended corner positions. In these positions, you stabilize the spine through the legs and using your deep core muscles. The key to these poses is to focus on creating a solid foundation rather than hanging in "the soft land of crisp pebbles," as avery says. Focus on the muscles around the spine, as well as the muscles around the hips and legs.

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Credit: Yolanda Cano / demand media

other useful postures

some postures can not be classified as forward bending, backward bending, twisting or standing postures, some are not even traditional postures, but they are still very beneficial to include yoga exercises in your healthy back. The cat cow position is a four legged landing, which includes rounding and bowing your spine to help warm up the spine and increase range of motion. " "My favorite pose, not taught enough in yoga classes, is just a basic squat," said Sadie chanlett Avery, an internal yogi at the cliff bar. It's a basic human movement that can correct many of our postural imbalances, "she said, adding that if done right, it promotes full hip movement and spinal stability.

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start a healthy back exercise

although there are specific postures for the back, all yoga postures are conducive to back health. Whether you're taking your first yoga class in the studio or using DVDs at home, starting regular practice now will bring you short-term relief and long-term benefits. David mesnick, a physical therapist in Atlanta, advises Beginners - especially those currently experiencing back pain - to take classes from a skilled yoga teacher. Let your teacher know about you before your first class, so that he can modify the positions that may be forbidden. Once you're comfortable with these gestures, you can get a DVD or take an online course in the comfort of your home, mesnick said.

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when you need attention

some people need to be careful in any activity, including yoga. David mesnick, a physical therapist in Atlanta, said people with acute back pain should not do yoga and should consult their health care provider. Some postures are taboo for some back problems. For example, mesnik warns that patients with a narrow foraminal canal, a narrowing of the gap between two or more vertebrae and compression of nerves, should not be in a backward bending position. " On the other hand, people with a history of disc herniation should also be careful when doing forward bending and forward bending. If you have an existing back condition, be sure to consult your health care provider before you begin yoga practice.

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: Yolanda Cano / media required

ready, set, move forward! Whether you feel back pain now or not, or you just want to make sure your back is healthy as you grow older, yoga can help. However, to experience these benefits, you have to do them on a regular basis and it should be part of a "full exercise diet," says Sadie Chandler Avery, yoga teacher and overall fitness coach. In addition to yoga, do more activities in the day, whether it's walking around the block, running, cycling to work or playing with children in the backyard.

related: sign up to receive the free livestrong.com weekly health and fitness newsletter

Credit: Yolanda Cano / demand media

What do you think? Do you have backache? Do you want to start Yoga now? Does yoga help you control back pain? What position do you think is the most helpful? Share your experience with others in the Livestrong community.

related: 12 Amazing yoga postures (and how to do them)

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