247Sporty » Health » How to Sleep Better With Yoga Nidra

How to Sleep Better With Yoga Nidra


Sleep is mysterious. For some people, mystery is about what's going on in our heads when we slide into our dreams. For others, figuring out how to get enough sleep first or how to fall asleep is a mystery.


yoga Nidra may be just what you need to help you sleep better. (picture: fizkes / iStock / gettyimages)

the benefits of Yoga

This guided practice is a perfect way to distract your mind from 10000 things that may happen in your brain at any time. Deep relaxation, coupled with breathing techniques, helps your body stop secreting hormones such as cortisol, which helps reduce stress. Another major function of this exercise is to create balance and harmony in the nervous system by keeping the brain quiet. When the brain and nervous system have the opportunity to synchronize like this, you can get the best dose from the endocrine system, let you go to sleep, all the systems will be adjusted! Yoga Nidra contributes to creativity, productivity and attention, and even mental health problems such as PTSD, depression and anxiety. There is no right way to practice yoga, but if you want to learn, there are many options. You can go to your local yoga or meditation studio to see if they offer classes. Try it at home. As mentioned above, you will start in Savasana. Then you can line up in the insight timer for this kind of yoga meditation. Try it! When is the best time to do yoga Nidra? The answer depends on: if you want to use yoga Nidra to help you sleep, use it before you go to bed. If you want to use yoga massage to enhance your sleep, you can do it at any time of the day. Maybe, during your particularly tired lunch break, try a 30 minute cat nap. Over the past decade, Jana Roemer has mentored hundreds of people in 200 and 300 hours of yoga teacher training, retreat and Nidra immersion yoga. Her love of astrology is the foundation of her latest project: Astro nidras teaches yoga Nidra practice every month. You can find her in Palm Springs. You can buy tickets on wanderlust.com.