247Sporty » Health » The 7 Worst Foods for Your Brain

The 7 Worst Foods for Your Brain


3. Refined Carbs


Refined carbohydrates are products made with processed grains. They may not have taste sweet, but they break down into sugar in your body very quickly. That's because the refining process strips all of the fiber and nutrition out of the original grain. A meal rich in refined carbs represents a high glycemic load that spikes your blood sugar.

[123 ]That causes all the same issues as if you had eaten straight sugar, including memory impairment, inflammation, and a higher risk of developing dementia. Studies have shown that children who consume diets high in refined carbohydrates score lower on nonverbal intelligence tests. And elderly People who take in more than 58% of their daily calories in refined carbs have twice the risk of mental impairment and dementia than those who eat more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

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