247Sporty » Health » The 8 Best Stretches to Do Before Running

The 8 Best Stretches to Do Before Running


Stretching or warming up before running is a prescription for sports injuries. If you don't prepare your muscles for a run, it can lead to a muscle strain that prevents you from walking for days, weeks or even months, or on roads or trails.


[* [* [ [ [ this is a typical stretching exercise. Its goal is the front of the thigh - your quadriceps. (picture: Yolanda Cano / demand media)

8. Standing quadriceps stretch

use this dynamic version of classic stretch to open hip flexor and quadriceps. Support with walls, or challenge your balance by stretching without support. Bend your right knee and grab your right foot or ankle from the outside.

  • pull your foot toward your right hip and hold there 10 times. Keep the trunk upright and the head and shoulders aligned with the hips.
  • repeat three to five times before changing sides.