247Sporty » Health » Can I Do the Treadmill With a Neck Sprain?

Can I Do the Treadmill With a Neck Sprain?


The bones in your neck are connected by tendons and ligaments. Sprain of the neck refers to the stretch or tear of one of the ligaments, which is usually caused by the neck turning or stretching too suddenly or too far. Sprains in the neck can cause pain, tension and tingling in the neck and shoulders, limited range of motion and headaches. Always consult your doctor about the exercise program after any type of neck strain. In the first few days after a sprain, you should move your neck as slowly and gently as possible. Your doctor may advise you to apply ice, massage and stretch carefully in this area to reduce inflammation and relax muscles, which tend to tighten painfully after injury. Depending on the severity of your injury, you should not use the treadmill until your wound begins to heal. Before returning to a normal exercise program, tell your doctor how long you should rest your neck. It may be a difficult task to recover movement after neck sprain, because exercise will aggravate pain. The act of shaking or shaking is usually especially painful. Jogging or running on a treadmill is a form of high impact exercise that can aggravate neck injuries rather than help the neck heal. When you start using the treadmill for the first time after an injury, walk briskly instead of jogging, making sure your head and spine are properly aligned.



before starting to exercise on the treadmill, gently stretch your neck for about five minutes. Relax and relax muscles, make them flexible, and absorb the impact of your exercise. Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs can also help solve this problem. Wear high quality walking or running shoes to absorb the impact of exercise. When you're done, apply a hot compress to your neck to prevent muscle contraction. Note: the neck is a sensitive and delicate mechanism that can protect your spinal cord and support your head. Even minor injuries to the neck require extra care, as deterioration of the neck injury can cause damage to the nervous system. Don't use the treadmill until your doctor allows it, and follow his instructions to stretch and exercise. If you have a neck injury while using a treadmill, or later have a headache, shoulder strain, arm tingling or numbness, consult your doctor before exercising again.
