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10 fitness lies you tell yourself


Have you been deceiving yourself? Your belief in exercise and your body's response to it can undermine your results. For example, if you think you need to feel pain to prove that you exercise well, you may get hurt. Or maybe you have a reason to eat that monster burger after exercise, because the treadmill shows high calorie consumption. Look at these shared beliefs and the truth behind them. Dr IRV Rubenstein, a sports physiologist and co-founder of steps, a private training institution in Nashville, Tennessee, said: "I know how hard I work because the amount of sweat I sweat is not always a sign of hard work." Higher heart rate. But they don't burn more calories on their own, let alone have more benefits for the heart or muscles. " In fact, because the human body needs to adjust the internal temperature, it is more difficult to exercise in a hot room. In addition, Rubinstein said, some people just sweat more. Intensity is measured by perceived exertion (measured in a scale of 1 to 10) and / or heart rate.

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2. " IRV Rubenstein, a sports physiologist, said that the more I exercise, the faster I see the results. Generally speaking, hard work will produce better results. However, lifting weights without rest for several days in a row can make your muscles unable to recover, which can make you further away from your goal. Overtraining can lead to muscle breakage and injury. Symptoms of overtraining include changes in resting heart rate, insomnia, and, in some cases, increased disease and infection due to weakened immune system. Set aside one to two days between workouts using the same muscle group (for high-intensity workouts).

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I just do yoga to detoxify my organs "


yoga is good for the body in many ways, increase balance and flexibility, and for some people, reduce back pain. But IRV Rubenstein, a sports physiologist, says yoga's "detoxification" of the body is exaggerated. Detoxification is carried out through the kidney and liver, so yoga may not have any special strength to support or strengthen or promote its function. "One caveat could be the benefits of yoga as a spiritual cleanser," although other activities, such as gardening, have similar benefits, Rubinstein said. That doesn't mean you should quit your weekly Dionysian class, just realize that no exercise can cure everything.

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4. " Exercise physiologist IRV Rubenstein said that weight loss should not be a prerequisite for body building. As soon as I lose weight, I start to exercise. Besides aesthetic changes, sports provide many benefits. Start with an exercise program, and then try to integrate better eating habits into your daily life. " "After all, a planned diet is the best way to lose weight," Rubinstein said. In addition, exercise and weight loss programs ensure that you maintain as much muscle mass as possible and maintain the weight you need. "

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5. " According to a study published in the Journal of sports medicine and physical health in 2010, after hard exercise, I can eat anything I want "

many people overestimate the calories they burn and greatly underestimate the amount of food they eat." "It's so easy to exercise outdoors," said Amy Goodson, a certified sports nutrition expert and co-author of swimming, cycling, running eating. For example, you do a 45 minute treadmill workout, then walk around your favorite coffee shop and buy a bran muffin and a thin latte. You may just eat the whole exercise back, if not more. " Instead, think about high fiber, high protein and nutritious foods most of the time, and let yourself waste 20% of your time.

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6. " If I don't feel soreness the next day after exercise, I don't work hard enough to train "

the muscle soreness the next day after exercise is fruitless. In fact, this suggests that Justin price, founder of biomechanical methods in San Diego, CA, and the author of the amazing tennis back pain treatment, said: "muscle soreness may be caused by improper or inappropriate warm-up or cooling, existing musculoskeletal injury or imbalance, inadequate hydration and inappropriate. Nutrition before and after exercise, "he said. Better ways to measure exercise efficiency afterward include better sleep and a drop in resting heart rate over the next few days, price said.

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7. " Even if I am in pain, I will overcome the pain. "

" no pain, no gain "sounds like a good mantra, but when you exercise in pain, your injury will worsen or cause another injury." If some parts of your body don't move well due to excessive muscle pain, you may end up moving and hurting other areas incorrectly, "said Justin price, co-founder of biomechanical methods. If you still feel sore the next day after exercise, try some simple self massage exercises, using tennis to massage your sore muscles. " This will rejuvenate and regenerate these muscles, which will help them recover faster, and enable you to recover or maintain a high intensity exercise program without the risk of injury, "price said. "

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8." I do 100 sit ups a day to flatten my abdominal muscles "

trying to do 100 sit ups a day sounds like an admirable goal, but there is little fat consumption in this area." No amount of sit ups will flatten the abdomen.Tom Holland of CSCs said the author of "beat the gym" said: "this subcutaneous fat (the fat next to the skin) must be burned through exercise and reduce the calorie intake." Holland recommends not spending more than 10% of your exercise time on your abs, but focusing on your diet.


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9. " "After a few weeks off, I'll start exercising again," said Tom Holland, a strength and fitness coach. "When you take a few weeks off, I'll jump back to the way I used to exercise, not relax, which can lead to injuries." Gradually relaxing your daily life will help you avoid having to ask for leave again, so that you can achieve your fitness goals without interruption. "The general rule of thumb is that in the first few workouts you get back, you can lose weight (10 to 20%) and easily get into your heart and lungs about 75 percent of the time.

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10. "I insist on using the machine to avoid injury"

if you are new to weightlifting, the machine helps provide stability. A study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine found that 90% of weight training related injuries occurred during free weight use. However, most injuries (65%) were caused by weight loss, followed by sprains and strains. You can minimize the chance of injury by practicing proper body shape and lifting weights only according to your current level of strength. Then you'll get the benefits of free weight, including increased functional strength (ease of daily activity), prevention of altitude, increased psychological change and motivation, said strength and conditioning coach Tom Holland.

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What do you think? Have you ever told yourself these fitness lies? Do you believe in other white lies about sports? Or you hear other lies from friends and family. Let us know what's in the comments and what you've learned.

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