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The Effects of Low-Intensity Cardio


Although high intensity interval training may be popular in sports, there are places for low intensity aerobic exercise in your life. In fact, if you just want to do low-intensity aerobic exercise, you can get more energy - and get a lot of benefits from it. There are many advantages of low intensity aerobic exercise. What is low intensity aerobic exercise?

low intensity aerobic exercise or light intensity aerobic exercise refers to any physical activity that does not raise the heart rate. Dr. Meagan wafsy of the Massachusetts General Hospital told the American Heart Association that you should be able to speak or sing while exercising. In contrast, moderate intensity refers to sports that you can say but not sing. When you do high intensity sports, you can not say complete sentences. Potential low-intensity aerobic activities include walking, yoga, Taijiquan, cycling and swimming, as long as you don't walk too fast or hard, but you do it for a long time. Keep in mind that low intensity does not mean low impact cardiopulmonary exercise. Low intensity cardiopulmonary exercise refers to activities that do not exert pressure on joints, regardless of intensity. The myth of low-intensity cardiopulmonary exercise has long shown that when a person is in the fat burning area, it may be related to low-intensity exercise. However, according to the National Academy of sports medicine, low intensity aerobic exercise does not necessarily lead to higher fat burning potential.


although your body uses a higher percentage of fat when you exercise at low intensity, you burn more calories overall when you exercise at high intensity. The more calories you burn, in general, means the more fat you lose. However, just because you don't burn more fat when doing low-intensity exercise doesn't mean you can get other benefits.

improve insulin sensitivity

as long as one low-intensity exercise can improve the insulin sensitivity of diabetic patients, the diabetes nursing research published in September 2013 concluded. Obese participants consumed only 350 calories during exercise, and their VO2 content was 50% of their maximum. Insulin sensitivity refers to how cells in muscle effectively use insulin to use glucose for energy. The study published in the Journal of sports medicine in October 2015 was reviewed in adults aged 65 to 85 years old. In addition, more than half of the studies support the conclusion that low-intensity exercise reduces the risk and frequency of falls in the elderly, which is the main cause of injuries such as fractures and deaths. A study published in the annals of internal medicine in March 2015 concluded that low-intensity exercise can reduce waist circumference as effectively as high-intensity exercise. The researchers divided the participants into four groups, one of which was 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise. All the experimental groups, except the control group, lost an average of 4cm from the waist. High intensity exercise is becoming more popular because it takes less time. However, according to a study published in the December 2015 issue of the Journal of medical sports and science, the best way to exercise is the way one adheres to exercise - which may only be a low-intensity option. In the study, researchers found that people who took part in low-intensity, steady-state aerobic exercise enjoyed exercise time compared to those who did Tabata exercise, a high-intensity interval exercise. Therefore, the authors conclude that HIIT may be more time-saving, but not necessarily superior to low-intensity aerobic exercise.
