247Sporty » Health » 15 Couple Workouts to Strengthen Your Bond and Your Body

15 Couple Workouts to Strengthen Your Bond and Your Body


When it comes to exercise, the magic number could be 2 - just like your partner plus you. A 2011 study published in the journal sports and exercise psychology showed that when accompanied, people exercise longer and more intensively. The University of Oxford found that endorphins are released during group exercise (or, in this case, several workouts). It's much more important than training alone. The couple who sweat together will always be together. (picture: Eugenio malongiu / culture / gettyimages)

so, who is better than your partner to maintain a high level after exercise? &"When couples exercise, they can focus on their goals together," celebrity trainer Ashley Bowden said. &It creates a bond between you. Here are 15 Ways to keep your loved ones in shape. Weightlifting

there & 39; s no need to split up in the gym. Try weightlifting as a two person group to see how your exercise improves (especially in the motivation Department). Your partner can be an observer, check your health carefully to make sure you don't put on too much weight, and encourage if you feel tired.

you can also try two people's exercises, such as the V-shaped sitting position of fitness ball or rowing with resistance belt. It's a good way to help each other.

calories burned: 180 and 266 for 30 minutes. AcroYoga can strengthen your yoga practice and your relationship. Preparing for a performance together, such as a double downward dog, allows you to stretch more fully and deeply than yourself. These gestures also require trust, teamwork and communication. Partner yoga is great for relationships because it encourages you to stay in touch with each other, says & quot; Borden. If you're really adventurous (and already quite active), try it!

heat of combustion: 120 and 178, lasting for 30 minutes

3. Climbing requires your mutual support, both literally and figuratively. Whether you're climbing on a rugged outcrop or an indoor cliff, your partner will protect your life (or at least your unbroken limbs) with his or her hands. This activity also helps to improve communication skills. When you climb, the lover on the ground will act as the second pair of eyes to help you find the next handle and encourage you to climb up.

heat of combustion: 330 and 448, lasting for 30 minutes. Cycle training if the gym is not your business, you two can get a good exercise with your weight. Try the aerobics for two. Set a 10 minute timer and rotate between squats, pushups, and tablets until the timer stops. By setting a timer, you can walk at your own pace, rather than trying to keep each other representative, Borden said. &In this way, you are still exercising together, but you want to buy time instead of each other. In addition, you will show your competitive advantage.

calories burned: 240 and 355 calories, lasting for 30 minutes

5. Aerobic exercise is better for the company, so why not go out and run together? &"Make a destination, tie your shoes and go," said Boden. In places with beautiful scenery, the route after breakfast will be better.

your local park or running / cycling path is an excellent landscape choice. Jogging on the streets of the city will make you more familiar with the surrounding environment than driving. If you can't choose to exercise outdoors, go to the gym and jump on two parallel treadmills. Keep your pace light so you both can keep talking.

calories burned: 300 and 444, lasting for 30 minutes

6. Hiking if you don't like running, hiking is a good way for couples to spend time together at a more manageable speed. Whether you are exploring a new path or traveling along a familiar path, you will have more time to feel the beauty of nature and enjoy each other's company. The best part? Hiking is a good choice for couples of different health levels. If one of you doesn't think it's enough for me, then the more athletic you two are, the more challenging it is to put on a heavy vest, says Bowden. Hiking is extensible (pun). If today is recovery day for any of you, choose a path that's a little sloped. Or, if you want to do a kick, choose a path with more hills.

calories burned: 180 and 266 for 30 minutes. Do you and your partner have a competitive streak? Find two friends to go to the tennis court and tennis racket together. &"The doubles team is interesting because you and the other pair of partners, in order to beat the other pair," said Bolden. "You will concentrate on the game, lead in the next serve, and you won't even realize that your core, legs and arms are working out - let alone that tennis is a good aerobic sport. Win or lose, you will be together. Therefore, take some time later to reward yourself with some fresh iced tea, lemonade or fruit water and drink to your health.


heat of combustion: 210 to 311 for 30 minutes. Cycling with your boyfriend can be challenging or relaxing as you like; just make sure your route matches your two physical abilities. &If it's a form of leisure, it's fun, says Boden. &If it's not casual, someone will be left in the dust, no one wants to do it on a date. Cycling is a good cardiovascular exercise, which will not have a great impact, which means it is a good way to exercise the heart, and will not cause a great impact on the body. But even if it has a small effect on your joints, your legs will definitely feel it the next day. Bonus: This is a good excuse to see your partner in spandex.

heat of combustion: 240 to 355, lasting for 30 minutes

9. Salsa is not the only way to raise your heart rate. For an interesting two person sport, & 39; is an amazing challenge, try salsa dance classes (or any other courses offered by your gym or local entertainment center). Salsa combines a physical activity with a romantic atmosphere, says Craig, a certified strength and conditioning coach. &When you do a new activity, it stimulates dopamine, the brain's search for happy neurotransmitters. You and your partner will learn a new skill and have some fun in the process. Calories burned: 165 to 244 for 30 minutes. Swimming

whether your gym has a swimming pool or not, whether your backyard has a swimming pool, or whether you prefer the open water of the sea or lake, swimming is the perfect, low impact double sport for you and your partner. You can try to compete with each other in the adjacent lanes, or take turns to time each other and refuel each other.

mix your strokes by changing your stroke, which can also target different muscle groups on your arms and legs. If you start with breaststroke, switch to butterfly or backstroke. For extra exercise, see which one of you has the longest treadmill.

calories consumed: 300 to 444, lasting for 30 minutes

11. Taekwondo class is an interesting way to release some steam when practicing a new and useful skill. Find a course (or DVD) that you all like to practice kicking, boxing and jabbing together. This is a whole body exercise for two people. It will make your muscles ache. You don't think it will. But remember, you work with your partner, not with him or her.

calories burned: 300 to 444 for 30 minutes. It's time for a one-on-one basketball match. Grab a basketball and go to your gym, your local entertainment center, or your local independent basketball court. You can either stick to the traditional one-on-one basketball action or mix it up by joining a game like horse.

it-39; is a good lower body double exercise, which combines aerobic exercise with a lot of hand eye coordination. Because the more, the happier, you can always invite friends or other couples to join your game.

calories burned: 240 to 355 for 30 minutes. Play golf

hand in hand with your lover to play several golf holes. If you throw away your golf cart and bring your own club, you'll burn more calories. In addition, walking between the two holes will give you two a lot of time to catch up with each other.

make sure you do enough back and belly stretches in advance to prevent muscle strain to the core during the swing, and have a more carefree golf day, throw away the scorecard and focus on enjoying your time together.

calories burned: 165 to 244 for 30 minutes. Canoeing or kayaking Not only can you do good aerobic and upper body exercises (make sure your arms ache the next day), but you can also enhance communication and teamwork when coordinating your stroke and controlling your blood vessels. Choose choppy water for a more challenging two person workout, or choose calm lake water for a more low-key workout.

heat of combustion: 150 to 222 for 30 minutes. Skiing or skiing

you may not be able to participate in this activity all year round, but once winter comes, plan a skiing trip to make full use of the colder weather and snowfall. You can snuggle up to the top of the mountain in a lift chair, then compete with each other on the way down the mountain, or simply enjoy the downhill and the surrounding scenery.
