247Sporty » Health » Ten Reasons Why Hiking Is Good for You

Ten Reasons Why Hiking Is Good for You


A healthy body is a happy body. One of the best ways to keep healthy is to exercise more. Hiking is an economic way to increase your level of activity while providing a lot of health benefits. Start slowly, especially if you're a little deformed. Buy a pair of strong climbing boots and do research first. Many hiking routes are divided by intensity, so find a hiking guide that suits your level. If you are pregnant or have any health problems, such as heart disease or diabetes, please consult your doctor before hiking.


improving your overall health

hiking is a great way to do outdoor activities and exercise. Hiking offers a wealth of overall health benefits that may help extend your life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, moderate intensity aerobic exercise, including hiking at your own level, is safe for most people. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Walking helps to keep the cardiovascular system at its best. Regular exercise, such as hiking, can help increase your HDL level and decrease your triglyceride level. This reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. It is helpful to prevent and control diabetes. Regular hiking can help you control or even prevent diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels. Hiking can exercise your muscles and turn the glucose in your blood into energy. Talk to your doctor first, because you may need to adjust your diabetes medication during regular hiking. Increase your energy level. Aerobic exercises such as hiking bring extra oxygen and fuel to your muscles, organs and other body tissues. This extra oxygen and fuel can enhance your muscles and lungs, as well as your endurance, alertness and energy levels.

burn calories

control your weight by hiking regularly. Hiking burns calories; the diabetic lifestyle burns about 240 calories an hour at a slow speed of 2 miles an hour for a 150 pound person. Start slowly and work 30 to 60 minutes a day.


hike to increase your BMD

fight osteoporosis and arthritis. Regular hikes help develop strong bones and slow bone loss. If you have arthritis, the Centers for Disease Control says a 150 minute walk a week can make your joints flexible and help avoid the link between stiffness and osteoarthritis. Regular physical exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer, but also can reduce the risk of lung cancer and endometrial cancer.

enhance your mood

hiking in the beautiful woods can calm your nerves and boost your spirit. Go on a beautiful hike to relieve the pressure and forget the troubles for a while. Hiking with a team provides a great opportunity to communicate and exchange ideas with others. If you have trouble sleeping, you may find that you sleep better after a vigorous hike. Regular hiking to reduce insomnia, speed up sleep, enjoy a more refreshing sleep.

provides you with a daily dose of vitamin d

vitamin D is a necessary nutrient to keep your muscles and bones strong. Although vitamin D is found in many fortified foods, the best source is sunlight. Just 10 minutes of direct sunlight a day can maintain your vitamin D level, so go for a walk, and you'll be better off.