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What Decreases Stamina?


Endurance is considered a sign of good health, but not everyone knows what it is. Endurance is the ability of the body to maintain physical activity for a long time.


fast food will reduce endurance. (picture: istetiana / motion / gettyimages)

unhealthy lifestyle will reduce your endurance and resilience, making it more difficult for you to maintain tense activities. You can increase your endurance and make your body healthier by changing your fitness habits. After a sudden loss of physical strength, you should see a doctor. This may be a sign of a potential health condition. It is suggested that lack of activity, poor diet, smoking or potential health status may have negative effects on endurance. Lack of exercise if you spend most of the day sitting, lolling in bed, watching TV or typing in front of your computer, your sedentary lifestyle may lead to physical decline. Staying sedentary increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis and many other health problems. In addition, lack of exercise can lead to muscle weakness, which can also reduce physical strength. Increase regular physical activity to increase physical strength and overall health. Aerobic exercise, jogging, roller skating, rope skipping, dancing, swimming, jumping and other cardiovascular activities help to restore physical strength. The Centers for Disease Control and prevention recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise to maintain a healthy weight. If you haven't exercised recently, you may need to achieve these amounts.

healthy diet

bad diet will increase your body's inflammation and fat level, thus reducing your endurance. Eating candy, baking candy, soda and other sugary foods can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate and energy to collapse. Eating a big meal will keep your body focused on digestion, so you will feel sleepy rather than energetic. Eating too much will reduce your endurance, but it will also reduce your calorie intake. It leaves your body without the necessary energy to convert fuel. According to the Mayo Clinic, eat five to six small meals a day and stick to fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, beans and whole grains to get high-quality, high-energy fuel and enhance your endurance. For best results, consult a dietitian to determine how many calories you need to maintain a healthy weight and activity level. Over time, your nutritional diet will improve your endurance.

read more : 3 the best endurance enhancing exercise


habit of quitting smoking

Tobacco directly reduces your endurance by limiting the oxygen in your heart, muscles and tissues. According to the Cleveland Clinic, smokers die about 70% more than nonsmokers because of the death of coronary artery disease - the blood vessels that feed the heart directly. The benefits of quitting smoking include longer life, lower blood pressure, lower risk of cancer, asthma, bronchitis, gum disease, heart disease, cardiovascular disease and several other diseases.

sudden drop in heart health

if you have low endurance or notice a sudden drop in heart health or endurance, consult your doctor. Discuss your lifestyle, daily exercise, diet, and any recent changes in your daily life. Your healthcare provider can rule out any medical conditions that may cause you to be physically weak and suggest ways to increase your physical strength and endurance.

read more : how to improve physical strength and endurance