247Sporty » Health » 8 Nasty Skin Infections You Can Catch at the Gym (and How to Avoid Them)

8 Nasty Skin Infections You Can Catch at the Gym (and How to Avoid Them)


I don't want to interrupt, but your gym is basically a life size Petri dish. Thanks to all the sweaty bodies swapping machines and sharing hot and humid spaces, such as saunas, gyms are a breeding ground for microbes - creepy animals just waiting for an opportunity to make their homes moist and warm with wrinkles on your skin.


exercise before and after wiping the equipment with antibacterial wipes. How to prevent skin infection in the gym You may not be able to completely avoid gym germs, but following simple safety rules can reduce the chances of taking them home. Be sure to wear shoes. Yes, even in the shower!
Wear clothes that minimize skin exposure, but do not wear clothes that are too tight to lock in moisture. Instead, choose loose cotton clothing that allows cool air to flow around the skin.
  • disinfect all surfaces that touch the skin before and after exercise with antibacterial wipes, such as treadmill handles, screens, weightlifter seats and handles.


    Change into sweaty underwear and shower as soon as possible after exercise.
    Do not share towels or other personal belongings. Use clean towels every time you shower.
    Be sure to dry before dressing. Don't forget the space between your toes!
  • Slide socks in front of your underwear or pants - avoid "pulling up" fungal infections from your feet to other parts of your body. Keep the wound open or covered.