247Sporty » Health » 9 Ways to Make Running on a Treadmill WAY More Fun

9 Ways to Make Running on a Treadmill WAY More Fun


To be honest: how many times have you run because you think you should (not necessarily because you want to)? You are not alone! Many people find it hard to motivate themselves to run, let alone have enough courage to jog on the treadmill. Let music control the rhythm. (picture: boggy22 / iStock / gettyimages)

if you love music, you will never feel bored as long as you can play the music you like. Instead of seeing your treadmill run as an exercise, think of it as an opportunity to listen to your favorite album or all the new releases. Given that the average length of an album is 45 to 60 minutes, you will be able to do it in 4 to 8 miles, depending on your speed. Take your attention away from your beating legs and heart and pay closer attention to the music that fills your ears. It's hard to get lost on a treadmill unless you're lost in music.


9. Doing interval or pyramid runs is the perfect way to focus on interval training, which helps build strength, speed and burn calories. After warming up, increase your pace to a sprint of 30 seconds, then reduce it to an easy jog of 1 minute. Repeat these intervals a total of seven times.

or try pyramid training to make time fly. Increase your speed to a challenging speed that you can maintain for a minute. After that, recover at a relaxed pace for a minute. At the next interval, work for two minutes at most and recover for two minutes. Increase to 5 minutes per minute, then gradually decrease to 1 minute.
