247Sporty » Entertainment » Seven methods of treatment for post Festival depression

Seven methods of treatment for post Festival depression


Now it's only a few days before 2018. Most of us are desperately trying to put on the jeans of fat boy and play with all kinds of beautiful gifts from friends and family. This week is full of annoying travel plans, excessive meals, minimal energy between holidays, and knowing it will be another year of grief until you get the trees and lights again. If you're feeling blue, here are a few ways to get your eyebrows down. The first seven ways to treat post holiday depression. Some oxyendorphins will make you smile and help justify another pie.


vitamin D – have you been hiding on the sofa, wearing pajamas, watching the repeated vacation & true love ? If so, go out and have a tan.

a healthy meal – sometimes you get too many good things. If your last 10 meals were indulgent, with carbs, butter or fried, you might just feel sick. Prepare yourself a salad and a glass of green juice to make your mood more pleasant.

puppy video – when you see a cute puppy, no one can stay in the garbage.

Bookstore Tour - turn off Netflix, Hulu, HBO go


and go to Amazon Prime bookstore. Read a book well to stimulate your brain.

house cleaning – winter cleaning will refresh your whole perspective! Start with fridges, floors and closets. It's great to have holiday decorations in a clean space.

dance – if in doubt, shake the son of fate to dance in the living room.
