247Sporty » Entertainment » Five weird celebrity approved diets that we can keep up with

Five weird celebrity approved diets that we can keep up with


More than half of January has passed. Can you believe it? The inauguration ceremony was so close to us that we were all scared. Suddenly, our strong new year's resolution fell like a fly. If you've only been to the gym once in the past 10 days, and you have to convince yourself that your extreme diet needs more than one day of cheating, don't worry We're all on the same page. It's not easy to be nervous and motivated, but if you want results and you want to feel healthy and confident, keep working! Maybe think about the crazy diet celebrities eat to keep fit. Purring. Let's review five celebrity approved diets, we really can't fall behind, and celebrate that you skip dessert because this shit is too hard.

Master cleaning – in extreme cases, "master cleaning" is a killer diet. You basically drink a mixture of lemon juice, water and pepper, maple syrup for 3-5 days. It's a little ridiculous not to eat or take any beneficial nutrients for a long time. In addition, once you have food in your body, the weight you lose will be restored immediately. Anyway, Beyonce and many other celebrities did it.


Hercules diet - our friend Dwayne Johnson, also known as rock

, didn't mess when he played this role in Hollywood movies. When he was about to play Hercules, he worked out three hours a day, ate seven meals and consumed nearly 6000 calories. Of course, it's mainly protein. Yes. It's obvious that Tracey Anderson, one of Hollywood's most popular personal coaches, sang the praises of "baby food diet". This diet includes replacing breakfast and lunch with cans of baby food. It's rumored that Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon have tried.

biscuit diet method - this diet method is to eat these special biscuits in the daytime and eat a healthy, light protein dinner. Of course, Snookie likes biscuit diet.


five handed weight-loss method - fashionable perfume also known as Victoria Beckham

turned to five handed weight-loss method to quickly reduce the baby's weight. Every day you eat five protein meals smaller than your head. In addition to five protein meals, you can drink water or eat some raw green vegetables. I'm sorry this diet sounds normal, amilet??
