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Seven things to look forward to about graduation


It's been ten years since I graduated from high school. Occasionally, I wake up in the morning to remind myself what a wonderful day it is to stop going to high school. I'm sure many of you will realize this - whether you start a new life in college or leave it behind - nothing is more exciting than not being at the mercy of the education system At least in my world! Graduation is a wonderful thing and it's worth being proud of. No matter what kind of experience you have in school, here are 7 things to look forward to when you graduate:

there is nothing like the excitement of no longer dealing with the school! In the past four years, those who have turned your life into hell have stopped talking nonsense. It's time to let go of everything and take action. There is no longer a creepy teacher or due date that makes your life miserable. The world is in your hands. It can be terrifying, but let that fear inspire you, not stop you from being the best you can be! I am satisfied to know that I have accomplished great things! Own it! No one can take it away from you! What do you expect most about graduation?
