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Five kinds of tricky vegetables and eating methods



don't ignore delicious and nutritious vegetables because they are less common or their shape and texture make you confused. Artichokes look like leafy buds. Leek is very similar to the variant green onion. You may wonder what you can do with the sun suffocating. But although they look beautiful, they are nutritious and taste good. In the following slides, we will share some tips so that you can easily prepare these five seemingly "tricky" vegetables, make them convenient daily choices, add them to salads, enjoy as side dishes, and even eat by yourself.

Credit: Kate van Vleck / demand media

leeks, Part 1: remove the top and bottom of Brooklyn chef and writer James Peterson said: "leeks taste like onions or green onions, but more subtle." This vegetable is rich in vitamin K, which helps blood clot and may help keep the bones strong in the elderly. A leek contains 31 micrograms of vitamin K, which can meet 34% of daily needs. " When preparing leeks, use a knife to remove the tip of the root and the dark green top. Virginia Willis, chef and writer, said: "cut lengthwise and then crosswise into half moon shapes. Related:

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Credit: Kate van Vleck / demand media

leek, Part 2: separate half a month with your fingers, put it in a sink or a large bowl of cold water, and then brush the slices clean to let the dirt fall to the bottom. Scoop them out by hand or sieve and throw away the sandy water. Repeat until the leeks are free of dirt. Chef Virginia Willis suggested stewing the stock of leeks and letting them cool. When it's completely cooled, mix the leek and vinegar sauce to make a salad. " Chef James Peterson said, "you can also bake them on a baking tray, or chop them up and put them in soup or broth." Part 1: artichoke is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, K and folic acid. Folic acid is a B vitamin, which helps to generate new cells and prevent major birth defects, especially for mothers. Artichoke contains 107 micrograms of folic acid, about 26% of the recommended diet for men and women. It also has 10 grams of filler fiber. " "Prepare a fresh artichoke, cut off the stem and one inch of the top, and then use scissors to cut off the top half inch of each sharp, prickly leaf," the chef said, writing for the food network Virginia Willis.

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Credit: Kate van werrik / demand media

artichoke, Part 2: cooking and cutting boiled water, turning the fire down to a low fire, placing a heat-resistant plate on top of it, so it's completely submerged. Stew for 30 to 40 minutes. When eating, take off each leaf and use your teeth to collect delicious pulp along the thicker side. " "You can also cut off the bottom of the artichoke, which is the heart," said Brooklyn chef James Peterson. There is an inedible fiber knot in the heart near the stem - scrape them off with a spoon. Cut the heart into pieces and serve on the salad.

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Credit: Kate van willek / demand media

fennel, Part 1: sliced and diced cookbook author and chef Virginia Willis said: "raw salads and slats are delicious." Most recipes require the bulbs of plants, but you can leave the stems and leaves in the soup, or you can dry them and add them to the wood grill to make the fish smell like grass. Fennel bulb is a good source of potassium. A light bulb contains 28 mg of vitamin C, which can meet 37% of women's daily needs and 31% of men's daily needs. " To prepare fennel, cut off the green stalks so you have only the white ones, and then cut the bulbs vertically in half, removing the hard core, "suggested chef Virginia Willis. It can then be sliced or diced. Willis recommends mixing the thin anise balls with low-fat mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and juice, fresh chopped dill and honey hairs.

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Credit: Kate van Willeke / demand media "fennel", Part 2: shaving

chef James Peterson likes to use a vegetable peeler to scrape the outside of the bulb, cut the bulb into wedges, add a little water or broth to the pan to bake Bake, then cover loosely with parchment or foil. Bake until the liquid evaporates, and the fennel bulbs become soft but not mushy. "

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Credit: Kate van willek / demand media

okra: cook it as you please

" many people think okra is a food in the south of the United States, and vegetables are an important ingredient in African, Asian and Latin American cooking. Okra is rich in vitamin K and C, which can be roasted, steamed, roasted, boiled, roasted, pickled, pickled, raw or fried. " "I think the easiest way to" import "okra is to bake it," Willis said. Just sprinkle some olive oil on the okra and, if you like the heat, a few slices of jalapeno. Another option: "barbecue the bunch all over the okra pods, or put them on a baking tray, season and bake until they turn bright green - about eight minutes," says Willis. That's it. Crispy (not sticky) okra is good for you, "she added.


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Credit: Kate van willek / demand media

sunsockes: simple slicing and baking

"also known as Jerusalem artichokes, sunsockes are delicious raw or lightly fried - they add a crisp flavor to any salad," Chef and writer Vicky Said NIA Willis. Sunscreen is an excellent source of iron and is rich in prebiotics to help maintain digestive balance. " Chef Virginia Willis suggested that when you prepare, just wash and slice the sunscreen, or peel and slice it, then stir fry it gently to make a delicious side dish. "You can also bake sun roast," Willis said, giving them a butter texture. "Try not to use aluminum cans or pans to prepare sunscreen.Because it causes the meat to turn grey, "Willis added. "Sunscreen is associated with 14 other foods that help you lose weight:

, what do you think? Do you like artichoke, leek, fennel, okra or Suzhou tea? Have you tried to make these vegetables? How did you prepare it? What other tricky vegetables do you have? Share your best tips in the comments below.

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credit card: Kate van Vleck / demand media
