247Sporty » Health » How to get slim and sexy legs with 12 movements

How to get slim and sexy legs with 12 movements



whether you want to show off your daisy Duke, look slimmer in skinny jeans, or just show off your sculptures and strong legs, you need to make sure your legs are at their best. What's strong is the new lean meat. This kind of exercise will make your leg muscles shine, strengthen and tighten, making them the sexiest muscles they've ever experienced. This sport is your leg's best friend, playing your virtual four inch heels, making your legs look longer and thinner. So what are you waiting for? Build strong legs through slimming and sexy leg training.

integral: Scott stohler / Livestrong. Com

1. After a few repetitions of dumbbell standing up

you will also begin to feel this burning lung feeling - double strike! Operation method: take a dumbbell or kettle with both hands, stand in front of the stool, and separate the feet from the hips. Step on the bench with one foot so that your knee is at a 90 degree angle, then stand on the bench and push the other knee into the air. Lower with control and switch legs. Each leg was done eight times in three groups.

Credit: Scott Stoler / Livestrong. Com

2. If you are a beginner, you can do this without weight. But if you want to enlarge it, take a dumbbell or kettle in each hand when you do this. Shift your weight to the left leg, with the right leg back across the left leg while keeping your hips forward. (you look like you're bending your knees) lunge down so your left knee is at a 90 degree angle, and then stand up. Repeat on all sides before changing legs. Do 15 repetitions in five groups.

Credits: Scott stohler / Livestrong. Com

3. Single arm Kettlebell swing

it doesn't look good, but this exercise is one of the most effective lower body exercises, you can do it with Kettlebell. How to do it:

your feet are wider than your hips and stand with a Kettlebell in one hand. When you put the Kettlebell back between your legs, bend your knees slightly and hinge them on your hips. Stretch your hips and move forward explosively as you wave the Kettlebell to eye level. Squeeze the top of gluteus maximus and repeat. Repeat three groups 12 times.

Credit: Scott Stoler / Livestrong. Com

4. Alternating leg training is a great way to work out your hips and hamstrings, burning calories while your heart beats faster. How to do it: step forward with your left leg like walking. As soon as your left foot lands, tie up your left leg, raise your right knee, and push your left arm forward. Like running, you jump from one leg to the other. Do three groups on each side, six to eight in each group.

Credits: Scott stohler / Livestrong. Com

5. You may have guessed that squatting is on the list: it's one of the best exercises for all your lower body muscles. However, to keep it fresh, try this squat change. How to do it: put the Kettlebell on your chest with your hands down. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. As you squat, move your gluteus maximus back, keeping the width of your knee in contact with the gluteus maximus. When you drive back to the standing position, keep your back flat and your abdomen strong. Do five groups 12 to 15 times.

Credit: Scott Stoler / Livestrong. Com

6. Perform this action directly in the dancer's training. How to do it: the legs are wider than the hips, and the feet protrude to both sides. Squat down so your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Lift one heel so that your weight is on the tip of your foot. Squat hard, so you can only move a few degrees at a time. Do three groups of 15 to 20 questions on each side. Credit: Scott Stoler / livestrong.com

7. Lunge jump

lunge is the perfect exercise for the lower body muscles. But introduce them to an element of aerobic exercise that adds calories to a jump. How to do it: start by separating your feet from your hips. Step the right leg back so that the left knee is at a 90 degree angle. Touch the ground next to your left foot with your right hand, then jump up and push your right knee and left arm into the air. Land where you started. Complete all repetitions on one side and switch to the other. Do four groups on each side, six in each group.

Credits: Scott stohler / Livestrong. Com

8. Good morning

get up! It's time to focus on the gluteus maximus and feel the burn. How to do it:

first stand up, put a barbell without weight on your back, and keep your legs as wide as your hips. Bend your knees slightly and your hips forward while keeping your back completely flat. Use your gluteus maximus and hamstrings when you slowly lower until you feel you can't move forward. Push gluteus maximus back. Do three groups of eight repetitions. Credit: Scott Stoler / livestrong.com

9. This whole-body compound exercise is a kind of whole-body exercise, but it is particularly beneficial to the legs. How to do it: start with your feet shoulder width apart and hold a medicine ball in your hand. When squatting down, lift the medicine ball over your head, and then stand up and drop the ball heavily on the ground. When you land, keep your back straight and your chest proud. Pick up the ball and stand up. Don't bend your waist. Do three groups of eight repetitions.

Credits: Scott Stoler / livestrong.com

10. Stability ball Bulgarian split squat

add stability ball to challenge your core strength and stability in this action, and also give you a great lower body exercise. How to do it: put one leg in front of you and one on the ball behind you. When you lower, your front knee should line up with your ankle, not over your front toe. Take a Kettlebell or dumbbell in each hand, squat down slowly into a lunge, and slide the stabilizing ball backward. Squeeze the gluteus maximus as you push the front leg back into the standing position. Do three groups of eight repetitions.

Credits: Scott Stoler / livestrong.com

11. Head squat

the last squat to achieve the final lower body burn effect. How to do it: start with a barbell or dumbbell on the top of your head, and your feet are wider than your shoulders. When you squat, put your gluteus maximus back and keep your abdomen tight. Lift the bar over your head and hold it tightly with your powerful arms, making sure your armpits are facing forward (not toward your body). GripGluteus maximus, keep knees extended outwards, and drive the car to the standing position. Do three groups of eight repetitions.

Credit: Scott Stoler / Livestrong. Com

12. One leg Kettlebell lift

for your leg, one of the absolute best exercises is one leg Kettlebell (or dumbbell) lift. This exercise is especially aimed at your gluteus maximus, challenging your balance while isolating one side. How to do it: start standing on your right leg with your knees slightly bent and the Kettlebell in your left hand. Keep your left leg straight, hips bent, and back straight. Keep your hips parallel to the floor, and when you lower, feel your hamstrings engage because you stand up. Repeat 12 times in three groups.

Credits: Scott stohler / Livestrong. Com

What do you think?

what is your favorite leg exercise? Which of the following actions will appear in the list and which ones will you add? What do you do when you want to have your legs shaped quickly? Do you do aerobics? Share your suggestions, stories and questions in the comments section below!


Credit: Scott Stoler / livestrong.com