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8 daily habits that make you sick



you may have seen it at work, in the gym or on the bus. As with thanksgiving turkey, the cold and flu season starts in late autumn and continues into early spring. Of course, you can try adding Echinacea, vitamin C or zinc to your daily life to protect against latent viruses. However, there are some common daily habits that you may not be aware of, either weakening your immune system or exposing you unnecessarily, may undermine your efforts to improve your immunity to the virus.

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1. A large number of studies over the years have shown that stress has a very clear relationship with its negative impact on the function of the immune system. According to the American Psychological Association, stress may come from many sources, such as work or family pressure, but the biggest damage to immunity seems to be caused by loneliness or limited social support system. To avoid this destructive immunity disorder, you can reach out and plan your time with friends or try to join a new social club or sports team. Similarly, chronic depression, even non clinical depression, has been shown to weaken the T-cell response, indicating how effective the body's response to viruses and bacteria is. If you've been feeling down, the cold and flu season may be the best time to finally see a doctor about possible treatments. Read more

: 10 of the worst foods to eat when you feel stressed. In addition to vitamin C and D, the body does not eat other foods, but relies on a large number of nutrients to maintain the best state of the immune system. As the weather gets colder and darker, we tend to eat comfortable food directly, which is not as nutritious as the salads and grilled vegetables you see in spring and summer. For example, vitamin A can help your body's white blood cells better fight infection. If cool weather makes cold foods such as carrots and hummus less attractive, look for side dishes such as sauteed or steamed dark greens and sweet potatoes to boost vitamin A in your diet. Vitamin E is very effective against respiratory tract infection. It can be found in seeds and nuts. Walnut and pumpkin seeds are good choices. They can be easily added to salads, baked with some vegetables, or even sneaked in through desserts or mixed snacks.

Credit: Twenty20. COM / @ joshua_arjuna

for many people, it's too easy to go from home or apartment to garage to work place and office garage without going out. In winter, when you usually walk or run on a treadmill, it's easy to make excuses to drive to work instead of running outdoors. Unfortunately, you missed one of the most effective sources of vitamin D: natural sunlight. As long as you stay in bright sunlight for 10 minutes, it can promote the production of vitamin D, and further enhance your ability to resist cold and flu. According to banita kooner, D.O., a physician at sharp Rees steady medical group, we need to take 2000 to 5000 international units of vitamin D every day to help bone strength and immune system health. " Vitamin D deficiency can also be linked to rheumatism, such as hypothyroidism and celiac disease, "she added - and that's why you schedule sunbathing. Simply sit on a bench or walk in the strong light for 10 minutes.


4. This is not to say that junk food can make it harder to catch a cold (though it can). It's more about all the public snacks, parties and even a bowl of nuts in the bar. If you're worried about finding bugs at a party, pass the chips and dip in the sauce instead of choosing a separate appetizer or wrapped candy. Read more: 9 chips exchange is better for you. When it's cold outside, it's easy to get into hibernation. Or you can avoid human contact to avoid bacteria. In addition to reducing your social network, choosing to isolate yourself from others can actually backfire when you're fighting a cold or flu. " Isolation means that you are not responsible for your irregular eating habits or other unhealthy behaviors; a person may drink more alcohol, eat more unhealthy food, not eat and / or sleep too much or too little. Your motivation to meet with friends and family may be small because they help provide feedback that you are not willing to accept. Even if you don't want to go out, go out, because sometimes it's good to be part of a crowd.

Credit: Twenty20. COM / @ Alexander Catedral

6. Instead of looking at what you touch, you go to the doctor's office and every time you cough, you cringe and sniff in the waiting room. At the end of the date, you can rub your hands vigorously in the bathroom or wash your hands with hand sanitizer. Unfortunately, you go back to the office and take your afternoon coffee out of a public coffee pot (one that everyone in your department uses). You may not think of a coffee pot or water cooler as a incubator for bacteria, but any surface you touch often may contain a variety of nasty cold and flu viruses. " Washing your hands every time you touch them can be a bit compulsive, "something public, so I'd rather suggest you develop a habit of not touching your face all day if you can help," Dr. Kuner said. Touching your nose, lips and eyes is the culprit for bacteria and viruses entering your system. That's why people get sick easily on airplanes. To get the best immune response, we should sleep at least seven to nine hours a night, but most people don't, on average, Dr. kooner said. This can lead to a decrease in your cell's energy level and regeneration capacity, making you more susceptible to illness. " Developing good sleep hygiene habits is the key, "she added. Make your bedtime a priority, not an afterthought; schedule regular sleep and waking hours to maximize the health benefits of sleep.

read more : sleep habits of 7 professional athletes

: span> 20.20com / @ saahinnmm H3> 8. Although you go there for your health, not cleaning your fitness equipment can also cause colds. You often see signs there that require people to clean up after using the machine, but how many people do it? When using aerobic exercise equipment and weightlifting, people often wipe off the sweat on their faces, and then continue to use the equipment.According to the CDC, influenza viruses can survive on the surface for two to eight hours. There is also a tip: before using the machine, do not use a towel to wipe it, because you may contact your eyes or nose, or handle things like mobile phones. Before using the fitness equipment, wipe it with a towel and alcohol disinfectant - to be a good citizen of the world, also wipe it clean. Remember, this also applies to yoga mats and stretch mats.

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What do you think? Do you have any other suggestions to keep healthy during the flu season? Please let us know in the comments below!

read more : 20 foods that will make your cold worse
