247Sporty » Health » 8 of the Best Body-Weight Shoulder Exercises

8 of the Best Body-Weight Shoulder Exercises


Some muscles, like your legs, are easy to exercise even if you're not equipped. There are many exercises, such as squats and lunges, that you can do with only your weight. On the other hand, shoulder exercise is not so famous, it needs a little creativity. Choose ranges from simple exercises such as arm circles to more complex ones such as handstand walking. If it sounds a little scary, don't worry, there's a lot of practice in the middle.


start with the lower dog, and then do an up and down shoulder pressing action. (picture: ryanjlane / E + / gettyimages)

5. Pike push ups are the chief coach of Barry training camp in New York City, and Kony hedoba recommends pike push ups because they mimic shoulder pressure on the head. They exercise your core muscles at the same time, so that your bucks get more stimulation. If you need a movement that isolates the shoulders, it's hard, but it's useful. How to do it: start with wood. Raise your ass, lower your head, and straighten your elbows. From there, bend your elbows and lower your head toward the ground. Press back until the elbows are straight. The range of motion is short, but you feel your shoulders working.

6. The side panel is a well-known core sport, but it takes a lot of shoulder strength to keep the body up. How to do it: side panel position: your legs and hips should be folded together. Put your hands under your shoulders, straighten your body as far as you can, and lift it to the side panel. You can support your forearms with side panels, but if you put your hands on the ground and keep your elbows straight, your shoulders will be more effective. According to the American Council on exercise, the side panels can be adjusted by kneeling down. This action is similar to chatturanga in yoga, but you only use the front of the deltoid. When you push up, you feel the movement of the whole shoulder.

how to do it: start in downward dog style, with hips up, knees and elbows straight. Slow down, head forward. Close to the ground. Before your forehead is hit, raise your head and lower your hips. Keep going forward and straighten your elbows at the same time. You should end up with an up dog. Turn the movement back to the starting position.

8. Handstand walking is a very advanced shoulder exercise. Unless you can confidently do weight exercises like push ups and push ups, don't try. The greater difficulty means that this exercise can help you build impressive shoulder strength. How to do it: this exercise requires a wall on which you can put your feet. Start from the front of the wall, face the outside, and land on all fours. Straighten your legs and put your feet on the wall. Only your hands should be on the ground. Slowly walk your hands back, and at the same time, walk your feet to the wall. Keep walking until your body is almost completely perpendicular to the wall. Be careful. If you go too far, you will fall down.