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Anti-Inflammatory Diet for O Positive Blood Type


Inflammation is a complex set of reactions that prevent infection and cure your body. Although inflammation can help in some cases, chronic inflammation increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Some supporters of alternative drugs believe that a special diet based on your blood type can reduce chronic inflammation and improve overall health. There is no scientific evidence to support the use of a blood group diet, although some foods allowed by the diet can reduce inflammation. Discuss your diet plan with your doctor before starting an anti-inflammatory diet for people with a positive blood group o.


green leafy vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties. According to Peter D & 39; Adamo, a naturopath and the author of "eating right 4 your type", it's better to make a special drinking plan based on your blood type than the traditional way of eating. Adamo believes that proteins in blood cells react negatively with certain foods, leading to weight gain and chronic diseases. A blood group diet requires you to eat specific foods based on your blood group to limit these negative interactions and improve your overall health. There is no scientific evidence that a blood group diet can reduce inflammation or promote weight loss. In the early stage of human life, the blood of O type was hunting and collecting. The blood group diet suggests that modern people with type O blood eat meat and agricultural products, which is consistent with their hunting and collecting history. O-positive or O-negative did not change the blood group diet plan. According to the blood group diet, type O people should eat beef, mutton, mutton, COD, herring, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, olive oil, pinto beans, black eyed peas, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, plums, figs, grapefruit and berries. They should not eat oranges, melons, corn, wheat, mustard, broccoli, lentils, Brazil nuts, cashews, pistachios or dairy products. Some foods contain chemicals that reduce inflammation and prevent chronic diseases. The o-diet plan includes these foods. Green leafy vegetables, olive oil, walnuts, fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory effects and can be used in the O-type diet. However, the o-diet prohibits several foods with beneficial anti-inflammatory properties. Whole wheat products, Bulgaria, strawberries, blackberries, peppers, peanuts, pistachios, citrus fruits and tea can reduce inflammation. In addition, eating large quantities of beef, venison, mutton and other red meat recommended by D & 39; Adamo can increase inflammation. Few mainstream medical institutions recommend blood group diet as a way to reduce chronic inflammation. No scientific research has shown that some foods interact better with blood proteins than others. According to Juliette Kellow, a British nutritionist, the o-diet plan eliminates important food groups and may lead to nutritional deficiencies. Eating a wide variety of foods, including fish, leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits and healthy fats, is a better way to reduce chronic inflammation. Discuss your food choices with your doctor to make sure they are right for you.